Monday, December 22, 2008

Our little tic-tac

Rachel had her 8 week check up today, and they did an ultrasound. We've nick-named it "tic-tac" because last week it was about the size of a tic-tac. From this image it's a little over 2 cm long now. All is well and as it should be, including the obligatory "morning" sickness. It hasn't been too bad so far.

Friday, December 12, 2008


It is already 13 days until Christmas and I am only half ready for it- sort of, maybe... I feel like it is sneaking up on me this year. Maybe it is the fact that the tree isn't decorated yet (it's at least up, but we are having problems with the lights), or that we aren't firmed up on where we are going yet since a lot of things hang in the balance that make a difference, or maybe just that the shopping and putting gifts together isn't done yet. Last year I swore to myself that I wouldn't make anyone's christmas gift again because I feel like no one appreciates them. Then I came up with this cool idea for the grandparents and caved in to do that and then one more crazy cheap idea for everyone to go with their gifts. Before I know it I am in photo shop trying to size down all the photos I'll need and am drowning in scrap paper trying to put things together while the kids run amock. As if I wasn't busy enough already. And yet, I must confess a part of me enjoys all this or I wouldn't bother. I love Christmas, but leading up to it requires a lot of energy and thought on how to give everyone the best gifts they'll appreciate on a tiny school budget. I haven't even gotten around to making the annual candy- homemade peanut butter bon bons and almond roca, which would give me a nice chocolate fix while I work on putting together the gifts. Maybe I'll have to take a break and do that.... So I think I will buy the song "I need a little Christmas" and play it loudly and give the kids color sheets while I work on all this craziness called Christmas. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Twinkle Kids

When I got out the Christmas Tree lights to get ready to decorate our tree the kids asked if I would "decorate" them with the lights. How cute! They had so much fun playing with the lights. They would wobble them up and down almost in unison while trying to sing Jingle Bells (Since they didn't know the words they improvised with "Click, click, click" to the tune with Jingle Bells being thrown in there every once in a while).

Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know I am posting after Thanksgiving but we didn't have internet where we were. The kids and I had fun making these turkey hats. The feathers are made up of the kids hands traced onto paper and cut out. We were at Jon's parents house this year and had a great time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gratitude Day 19: Prayer

Jon: I am thankful for prayer. We can talk to our Father in Heaven and receive answers, comfort, and blessings from him. I can talk to Him anytime, I don't have to wait for office hours or for him to get done helping someone else. And I can come as often as I want/need, he never gets tired of listening to me. It's so wonderful!

Rachel: I am thankful for cars like Jon is. More so now that gas is down in price again. It is so nice to go for a drive and see family for Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gratitude Day 18: America & Beautiful Earth

Jon: I am grateful to live in America. I have lived over seas for 2 years, I enjoyed it but there were things that I missed about America. As flawed as it may be, our political process is unique in the world. We enjoy so much freedom to think differently and believe differently. We enjoy a high level of safety in almost all of America. Regardless of what you think about the current status of our country, the grass isn't any greener on the other side.

Rachel: I am grateful for the beauties of the earth. There are so many beautiful things all around to see through all seasons. The quiet winter scenes- snow capped mountains, evergreens, and frozen rivers. The beauty of spring and new growth- fruit blossoms, tulips, and leaves on trees again. The beauty of long summer days- mountains to hike, lakes to swim in, birds and animals to watch. The beauty of Fall- different colored leaves that crunch under feet, golden sunsets, and my favorite is to go into the canyons around here and see all the colors.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gratitude Day 17: Faith

Rachel: I am grateful for my faith. No matter what questions may arise in the world, my anchor that Christ lives and Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son gives me such hope and joy. I am grateful to know there is life after death and I will see my loved ones again. I am grateful to know there is right and wrong in the world. I took a class in college where the teacher tried to prove that there was no truth- just a sea of Grey. I am grateful to know that the world isn't so Grey after all, but there is black and white and it is just us that are Grey. When we follow the Savior, we find the path we need to follow for happiness and joy. There are trials, but there is also hope and perspective.

Jon: I am also grateful for my faith. Rachel said it very well already, I also find immense comfort and joy in the gospel truths. They are so simple, clear, and constant; and that is very refreshing in a world of tides and currents that run this way and that all the time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gratitude Day 16: The Internet & Adventures

Jon: The internet is a wonderful way to gather information and keep in touch. On this blog I can post pictures and stories, I can email family and friends, I can do research for all my classes, and dozens of other things.

Rachel: I am grateful for those adventurous days when nothing turns out the way you thought it should. Jon worked extra hard this week so he could have today off to do things with the family. We were going to go to a nicer restaurant in town that we've been wanting to try- but they are closed for lunch on Saturdays. We were going to get the oil changed in the car, but the line was very long and we didn't have time. We watched the BYU vs U of U football game and BYU lost. Yet with all the things that went wrong there were plenty of things that went right and I count my blessings more on days like this. We got to be together as a family through it all and laugh together at our bad fortunes. We got to take a walk together and enjoy a very warm autumn day rather than waiting for the oil change. And we had plenty of good conversation after the game.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Gratitude Day 15: Health & Contacts

Jon:I am grateful that my family and I have good health. We can all go out and have fun together without worries.

Rachel: I am grateful for contacts. I love how I can wear them in the rain, have peripheral vision with them, and they don't fog up when I open my stove. Being able to see the world is so nice.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gratitude Day 14: Computers and priesthood

Jon: I am grateful for modern technology. With computers we have the power to explore so many new areas of science that were unaccessible to those before us because it would simply take the age of the universe (or longer) to do some calculations by hand.

Rachel: I am grateful for priesthood. I have had some nice blessings lately that have helped so much.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gratitude Day 13: Cars and bed sheets

Jon: I am grateful for cars. We have the ability to travel great distances with relative ease on a whim. I can go to visit my family more than once a year, I can go to distant conferences and be back in time for church, and I can go drive through the mountains to see their beauty and still be home in time for dinner.

Rachel: I am grateful for bed sheets. I was folding the laundry this afternoon and Lady Bug and Spidey pulled one of the bed sheets over themselves and pretended they were "silly ghosts". It was so funny and it kept them out of the way while I finished folding the rest of the clothes. Who needs toys?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

gratitude Day 12: Fall weather & Lady Bug

Jon:I am thankful for fall weather. Not to hot, not too cold (for now).

Rachel: I am grateful for Lady Bug. She is the sweetest little dolly. When she wants attention she crawls into my lap and starts smiling and playing. She loves girl things. She is the only child to hold my hand on walks. She gives the best hugs. As her words come in she has the funniest phrases like the other day when I told her I was going to eat her and she said "No! Eat Spidey! Eat Spidey!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gratitude Day 11: Good music & Spidey

Jon: I am grateful for good music. From pop and rock to classical (I really like Beethoven's symphonies), good music makes me feel good and stay focused. It makes me feel and think. It can bring solace when I'm feeling down, calm when I am agitated, a boost when I feel sluggish, and can be that extra boost when I feel great.

Rachel: I am grateful for Spidey. He is such a nut and so fun to be around. I love watching him dancing around the house while making random noises. I love it when he needs a hug every time he feels sad or hurts himself during the day to feel better. I love how happy he is just to sit next to me while reading a book or watching a show.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gratitude Day 10: My Wife & Lightening

Jon: I am always grateful for my wife, today is just the day to talk about it. There really isn't room here to talk about all the reasons why I am grateful for Rachel, but I'll list a few reasons any way. She is always willing to listen to me and never makes light of my troubles and problems. She is a wonderful mother. She is an excellent cook, even if the kids don't appreciate it yet. And on and on...

Rachel: I am grateful for Lightening. He is the sweetest little boy. Twice in this last week he has gone and filled my water glass up with water without me asking him too just because he knows I love water and he's trying to help. He loves showing me the silly things he creates and does. He is also the biggest helper and getting very good at vacuuming and dusting. He is such a joy to have in our family.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

gratitude Day 9: Sunshine and hubby

Jon: I am grateful for sunshine. Especially when it's cold outside, the sun feel that much warmer and nicer.

Rachel: I have to express my gratitude for my wonderful husband. He is everything to me. He's my shoulder to cry on, the father of our three kids, and my best friend. This week he took me on a surprise date- down to finding a babysitter- so we could have some time together doing what matters most. After 6 years I love him more than I could have imagined. Life is not perfect for us by any means- we both do things that get under each others fingernails sometimes- but at least we face it together. Thank you babe!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gratitude Day 8: A nice house and vacuums

Jon: I am grateful to have a nice house to live in, that is always warm, never leaks, and is always full of good people.

Rachel: I am grateful for my vacuum. I never knew how much I liked a vacuumed house until I couldn't vacuum after my surgeries. Then this last week I couldn't vacuum because the belt broke and I had to order a new one online because none of the stores in town carried it. With the carpet we have right now in our apartment the floors are really soft and fluffy when vacuumed and kind of get hard if not vacuumed. So I know it is weird, but I like my vacuum!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gratitude Day 7: Kids and Dreams

Jon: I am grateful for my kids today. I love walking in the door to a chorus of "Daddy!".

Rachel: I am grateful for dreams. Life would be so grey without a rainbow to find the end of or a star to reach out for. The hope a dream can bring can sustain us through the hard times and give us a direction so we don't get lost. What are some of my dreams? That Jon will graduate with his PhD, that my kids will grow up to be happy good people, that I'll get to see the world someday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

gratitude Day 6: Kindness and Rain

Jon: I am grateful for kindness. There have been many people in my life who have gone the extra mile for me, for no other reason than to help me. That kind of kindness makes the world so much brighter.

Rachel: Today I am grateful for rain storms. I love the sound and smell of rain. Rain is not something I would like to see all the time and everyday, but here it is always a wonder and so nice. I had to add this picture I took of the storm coming over the mountains. Rain can make the fall and outdoor colors so gorgeous.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gratitude Day 5: school & work, music

Jon: I am thankful for the opportunity to go to school and work. I really enjoy what I'm doing; the Lord has blessed me with the chance to do it and learn more about it.

Rachel: I am grateful for good music. Taylor Swifts new album just came out today. Normally I'm not much for country but I do like her. I found her right after my surgery. She pre-released some songs from her album and one was a song called "Love Story". I probably listened to that 20 times while recovering and somehow it made me happy. Other songs that make me happy and calm by listening to them: "Bubbly" by Colbie Colet and "New Soul" by Yael Naim. I love how music can pump me up to clean the house or exercise, it can make me happy when I'm sad, some classical pieces can sing the emotions that can't be put into words.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gratitude Day 4: Moments of Joy and Photography

Jon: I am grateful for life's little moments of joy. Whether it's seeing my wife smile up at me, or watching my son run around with underwear on his head, or just watching the rain through the window. There are so many things that happen every day that just make you smile, to me they are little reminders that God is looking down on us all the time and is concerned with our eternal happiness.

Rachel: I am grateful for photography. I love that I can capture some of the things we do and see and then have them to look back on later. My favorite is looking at my family in the past and seeing how far we've come. How little my babies once were, how big they are getting. How I looked when I was pregnant or how much weight I've lost in the last year and a half. How handsome Jon has gotten since we were married. It's nice remembering and recording the past even as I look toward the future.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Gratitude Day 3: Priesthood and Children

Jon: This morning I went to a stake priesthood meeting at 7 am. I'm not thankful for early morning meetings, but I am thankful that I am part of such a wonderful body of priesthood holders. There is power and strength in being part of them. It is the Lord's army, we are in the midst of fulfilling prophecies made long ago. It is a blessing and a privilege to serve in the Lord's kingdom as a holder of the priesthood

Rachel: Today I am grateful for my kids. Life would not be nearly so entertaining without them among other things. They come up with the funniest things to say and do when they are as young as mine are. They are also so sweet and the first to give a hug when I really need one. Yes there are those extremely frustrating days, but there are also those days when they are a godsend and just what I needed. Their love means the world to me.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Gratitude Day 2: chocolate and peace and quiet

Jon: I am grateful for peace and quiet moments. The moments when you can think about life, the universe, and everything.

Rachel: Today I am grateful for chocolate. It is the best feel good food I know. It really came in handy after the surgery and was one of the few things I could get down so I didn't take some of the medications on an empty tummy. It also is a great stress relief for those "long" days that happen sometimes. Of course, it also makes a great dessert for celebration meals and when I am pregnant my number one craving is chocolate cake with gobs of chocolate buttercream frosting- particulary from costco. My favorite chocolate- Snickers, Reeses Peanutbutter cups, utah truffles, kara chocolate, chocolate mousse, and russell stover's mint chocolate.

The Scenic Route

Whenever I get lost I always say that I was just taking the scenic route. Yesterday I got really lost in Spanish Fork and when I looked to see what road I was on I saw that I had actually gotten lost on "scenic route drive". I had to take a picture of the next sign which didn't include the full name of the street, still though. I was laughing so hard and that released a lot of stress. So if you ever really want to get lost on the scenic route, take the Spanish Fork exit, turn left at 3oo E, and turn right on Scenic Route Dr. Though for all that, the only scenic part is that between some of the houses you can look down on the valley and that is pretty.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Gratitude- Marriage and Books

I saw on someone's blog where for November they posted something they were grateful for everyday leading up to Thanksgiving. We might be 7 days late in starting, but I thought we would give it a try.

Jon: I'm grateful for our marriage today. I've been thinking about what it means to be married and why that is so important. Being married means companionship and comfort, support and love. It means sacrifice and selflessness, striving for something bigger than 'us'. But if that was all it meant, there would be something missing. It also means bringing children to a loving family where they can grow up and learn to experience the same joys I have found. It also means striving for the divine, to become like our heavenly parents, in much the same way our children strive to become like us. Marriage is more than just an expression of love and commitment, it is an opportunity to grow and stretch and put on more of the divine and put off more of the mundane.

Rachel: Now I have to follow that with something much simpler. I am very grateful for marriage and I will build up to my reasons why closer to Thanksgiving. Lately, I've learned to appreciate the simple, especially after a family night on gratitude and the simple things our kids have said they are grateful for. So today I am going with books. I am grateful that I can read them, for libraries that lend them, and for the few I have. At the end of a tiring day, my brain is usually fried and not good for activities that require too much thought. I don't like tv much so I read to unwind. I read a little of everything- english classics, anne of green gables, vampires, mountain girls, sci fi, etc. Right now I am reading Lord of the Rings for the first time through and am on the third novel. I can go anywhere I want to in a book. I believe that art does awaken and refine us and can show us who we are. Good books change as we do and I can read some books a dozen times and still get something out of it.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mario Kart Babes

A little background: For Father's Day this year I decided my Jon needed something fun after the homework was done so I got him a nintendo wii and mario kart (which as of today is still the only game we have for it). Lightening loves mario kart and the other two love watching. Lightening is actually pretty good at it for his age and usually places and at times wins. The other day we were just hanging out in the evening after getting the kids in their pj's when they started playing "mario kart" with each other. I will let the video explain the rest, but now you can imagine that each child is a kart at the races and the shells and other things they mention are from the game.

Potty Training

Here is my little girl on the potty! She is so happy to learn and be like her big brothers. We started last week when she finally gave permission again for big girl underwear and had a couple breaks for halloween and church. She's only messed up once today, so not too bad for a beginner. I'm proud of my big girl who is growing up way too fast.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! This year the kids keep changing costumes, but here is what they dressed up last night as to go to the ward trunk or treat activity. Spidey has been an Elephant, Spider Man, and today he is King Peter. Lightening has been King Peter and today is Spider Man because he wanted the mask. Lady Bug has been the witch all along (bless the child), and was last year as well. They all are having fun dressing up. I just wish there were more fun things to take them to today. In Logan, being a small town, the down town businesses and local grocery store all did a trick or treat. I've never heard of anything like that here though. Oh well. Anyway, we are just excited to dress up for a day and eat Chocolate Chip cookies that we dyed green.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I was out walking with the kids the other day down in Provo Canyon. I had the camera with me and had so much fun taking pictures of the kids as they explored the nature trail (which is so gorgeous in the fall btw). I realized that I really like photography and want to get into it more. That's probably obvious from looking at the blog and seeing all the pics we take of things and than post. Somehow it makes me appreciate life more when I am looking at trying to capture it and remember it. I was recently able to find a DSLR camera for really cheap on ebay. It needed a minor repair (thus the really cheap part) that I was able to get done in town for cheap. Know I just need to get lenses (amazon gift certificates for Christmas would be greatly appreciated) and learn how to use it. What an interesting project I got myself into. I didn't realize how much there was to learn. Still I am really excited to learn it and hopefully the quality of the pics on the blog will improve too :) The pumpkin carving pics are from the new camera. I found a great online tutorial that I totally recommend to anyone that is interested in learning. Now I just need to play! The great part is that Jon likes photography too from his days on the school newspaper back in high school. So now we have a project to do together and competition to see who can take the best pictures (yes, we are both first borns).

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I hope you guys find this as funny as I do. Here are some of the best of my little notebook that I keep called "Kids Say the Darndest Things" where I collect all the funny things my kids say.

Daddy: You need to eat you carrots so you can see in the dark.
Lightening: I don't need carrots, I'll use a flashlight.

Lightening :I'm gone! I'm gone!
Daddy: Where did you go?
Lightening: Behind my eyes!

Lightening: Eat, drink, and be married for tomorrow we die.

Lightening: What's the spicey water called?
mommy: Sprite.

Spidey: I shared with you mommy!
Mommy: (very confused) what did you share with me Spidey?
Spidey: Your drink!

Mommy: Happy Birthday! Do you know how old you are now?
Mommy: You're 3!
Spidey: I don't want to be 3!!!
Mommy: How old do you want to be?
Spidey: 5.
Mommy: Then will you turn back to 3 tomorrow?
Spidey: Yes! I'll be 3 and 5!

Spidey: Did you have a good day?
Lady Bug: NO!
Spidey: Did you have a bad day?
Lady Bug: NO!
Spidey: Okay, then you had no day.

Spidey: They call it multi-green cheerios, but they are brown and yellow.

Mommy: I'm a girl like you Lady Bug!
Lady Bug: No! You're not a girl, you're a mommy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Here is pictures from our annual pumpkin carving family night- established the year we got married. The kids were active participants this year and did a good job. You can see Lightening and Spidey with their pencils as the "design team" and Lady Bug next to daddy as the "carver in training". Jon did a double sided pumpkin with a spider on one side and the silly face on the other. Rachel did Mrs. pac man eating the corn.

Monday, October 27, 2008

North Logan Pumpkin Walk

We made our yearly pilgrimage to North Logan this last weekend for the pumpkin walk. The theme this year was heroes. The weather was very warm and we enjoyed walking around and enjoying the scenes and fall colors. After the pumpkin walk we got some famous aggie icecream and drove around to our old apartment and Jon's school. It was a perfect day to be together as a family.


The kids loved it when they got a visit from their great grandma Nana. Lightening loved the flashlight she gave him so much that he is taking it to school for show and tell tomorrow.

Cornbelly's Corn Maze

While Jon was at his conference in El Paso, TX I took the kids out to the corn maze at Thanksgiving Point with my sister. There are a ton of things to do there including hay rides, a pumpkin princess and her carriage, and a creature you can go through. This was my first big outing since the surgery. It was a lot of fun, but I was very tired at the end of the day.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Leaf Angels

Whoever said you needed snow? This was just way too cute not to post. One of our trees in the front yard is the first tree to loose its leaves in the fall and the last on to get them back in the spring. The kids decided to have fun with all those fallen leaves and make angels like they do in the snow.

Rachel update

Rachel saw the dr today for her two week post op appt. The dr says that she is healing well and should be back up to full energy in another month or so. Rachel is so grateful for all the notes and help and prayers that have been given. She feels blessed despite everything and is happy. She can't wait to celebrate halloween with the kids and to go to pumpkin patches, corn mazes, pumpkin walks, hay rides, and halloween fairs.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Lightening's 5th Birthday

Lightening turned 5 last month. He was being a big tease for the camera so it was hard to get a good photo of him. He wanted and loved his pink cake (cherry chip) and carried all his birthday cards around with him all day long and said they made him feel special. He started preschool the week after his birthday. He is doing very good in preschool and loves getting to ride the bus like a big boy. He is particularly proud of the artwork he makes at school and calls them "cards" which he keeps in a special box on his dresser which he took from the garbage just for that purpose. He is a sweet boy and we all love him very much.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rachel's Medical Scare

About a week ago, Rachel started having bad pains in her abdomen- sort of like really bad cramps. She kept putting them off because they went away when she took pain medication. On Sunday, the pain worsened and she started getting dizzy every time she sat up until she passed out for 30 seconds. Jon asked the neighbor to babysit the kids while he rushed Rachel to the emergency room. Within 3 hours they had diagnosed her with an ectopic pregnancy and had her in surgery. She lost about 1/3rd of her bodies total blood, but was able to avoid a blood transfusion (just barely). The doctor had to remove her left fallopian tube where the baby had been. There was a clot the size of a grapefruit in her uterus they had to remove. They also took out her IUD. Rachel had no idea that she was pregnant prior to this.

According to the doctor an ectopic pregnancy greatly increases the chances that you could have another one. However, if her IUD caused the ectopic pregnancy, then Rachel might not fall under that risk. It is a 1-6 in 1000 chance to get pregnant on an IUD. If you are one of those lucky 1-6 you have a 50/50 chance that the pregnancy will be ectopic. Because they only had to take out the left fallopian tube, Rachel can still have more children later.

Rachel is making a good recovery. She is really tired and cold all the time because of all the blood lose, but doing good as long as she keeps up on her pain meds. The ward has been a great help and has brought meals every night and helped watched the kids. The doctor said it will take at least 2 weeks before she can be alone with the kids again and start doing things around the house and up to two months to get all her blood back.

Jon is doing a great job helping Rachel out. He is overwhelmed with all that he has to do, but has been grateful for all the help from the ward, friends, and family. His teachers have been very good at working with him so he doesn't get behind in school.

The kids have been doing well. They have been very gentle to Rachel and good to all the babysitters. They like coming home and holding her hand telling her all about their day. Lightening started preschool this week, but has only been able to go once this week. He loves his class though and already likes to teach his brother and sister all the things he learns.

Thank you for all the prayers and love. They are greatly felt and appreciated.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rachel brought Micky Mouse ear souvenirs from Downtown Disney for the kids. They had to try them on and get some pictures. Hopefully some day they can wear them at Disney Land.

Lady Bug Turns Two

Lady Bug turned two in August. She is pretty good most of the time but can be very moody at times. She loves having ribbons in her hair, playing Little Einsteins with her brothers (usually she is Annie), and tagging around with mom. She is getting very good at speaking. The other day Rachel asked her if she wanted a ribbon in her hair and she replied "no I want two ribbons in my hair."


We had to clean out our crawl space so the weatherization program could put some insulation down there. The kids found a pile of empty boxes and had fun for hours putting them on their heads and hitting into each other. It was so funny! Who needs fancy toys?

Florida Trip

Rachel went to Florida at the end of July to go to a Close to My Heart scrapbooking convention. She had a ton of fun taking a trip on her own and driving a small car instead of a mini van. She got to go to the Florida temple, sea world, the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, and the Kennedy Space Center. Some of her art got on and prestigious art board at convention. She is pointing to a layout she made of Lightening being mischievous. Her favorite thing to see was all the palm trees. We just don't have those here in Utah. She also liked how there were tons of trees by the side of the road everywhere you went. It made it feel like a small town, even though Orlando is way bigger then Orem.

Picture guide: Orlando Florida LDS Temple, Rachel pointing to her art on the art wall at convention, Shamu show at Sea World called Believe, Man feeding the alligators at the atrium at the convention center, Rachel touching real moon rock at the Kennedy Space Center, Rachel at Cocoa Beach