Monday, November 10, 2008

Gratitude Day 4: Moments of Joy and Photography

Jon: I am grateful for life's little moments of joy. Whether it's seeing my wife smile up at me, or watching my son run around with underwear on his head, or just watching the rain through the window. There are so many things that happen every day that just make you smile, to me they are little reminders that God is looking down on us all the time and is concerned with our eternal happiness.

Rachel: I am grateful for photography. I love that I can capture some of the things we do and see and then have them to look back on later. My favorite is looking at my family in the past and seeing how far we've come. How little my babies once were, how big they are getting. How I looked when I was pregnant or how much weight I've lost in the last year and a half. How handsome Jon has gotten since we were married. It's nice remembering and recording the past even as I look toward the future.

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