"I can talk to animals in their own language!" my Sam informs me last night. I was telling him how when he was little he would chase after animals- garden snakes, geese, ducks, cats, dogs, etc. I can't tell you how glad I am that we never bumped into a skunk when he was a toddler. He still loves animals today. If you want to make him happy you take him to places with animals- zoos, aquariums, barnyards, pet stores, or his doctors office.
"How do you talk to the animals?" I asked him.
"Well, if I see a duck I go up to him and say 'quack, quack, quack'" (I wish I could capture the conversational cadences he was using for you).
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"Good morning."
"What other animals can you talk to you?"
"Well, if I see a dog I go 'ruff, ruff, ruff,"
"And what does that mean?"
"Good morning."
"What happens if you see a lion?"
"I go 'roar, roar, roar'"
"And what does that mean?"
"Good morning. But if I see an elephant I stick up my hand like this to make a long nose and go 'blooooooooooooooooow.'"
"And what does that mean?"
"Good morning."
The thing is, I can see him going up to a duck, dog, lion, or elephant the next time he sees one and trying it out with full confidence that the animal will understand him. I'll have to be sure to have a video camera on hand when it happens. I hope he never gets disillusioned when it happens and the animals aren't as cooperative. I love my boy who is bursting with super powers he wants to use to help the world, now including talking to animals.