Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First week of school for the first grader

Jacob started first grade this week. He loves his teacher. He loves eating at school. He loves that he gets three recesses. He feels very big and responsible now that he goes to school all day. I'm glad he is having such a great start. The only down side is he keeps getting the cafeteria food all over his uniforms and I'm about ready to start sending him to school with an apron to wear while he eats. Jon doesn't have the time to do that much laundry right now. He got his first round of homework today. One sheet of math homework that shouldn't take him very long.

Sam will start kindergarten next week. Both the charter and public school start the kindergartners after the rest of the school and reserve the first week for assessments here. He is so excited to start and I can tell that it is hard for him to watch Jacob go to school without him this week. He had his assessment today and wore his name tag to my doctors appt so he could show everyone that he is a big boy now that goes to school.

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