Friday, September 24, 2010

More from my little "secret" keeper

My darling Katie was hanging out with me this morning and keeping me company. She asked me if the baby was moving so that she could feel it. I told her that the baby had just moved, but she stopped as soon as Katie put her little hand on to feel it. To encourage her I told her she should tell the baby a secret.


"But mommy, that would ruin the secret!" She exclaims in shock.

I tried to reassure her that this would just be a special secret between the baby and her and she didn't have to tell anyone else. She stuck to her guns though, dismayed that I would suggest such a thing.

So then remembering our conversation from last week I decided to tease her a little. "Well what if I told you a little secret. What if I told you that I loved chocolate and not to tell anyone else."

"Then I would tell everybody" she promptly replies.

I couldn't help but laughing aloud at that one and she joined in laughing. When we stopped she tells me "I don't get it. Why are we laughing?" The thing is I don't think she will get it quite yet. She sure is a fun girl, but I won't be telling her my secrets anytime soon ;)

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