Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting there

We made another mile marker this week for development. We now have a chance of no NICU time and if we can keep going we can cut those chances down farther- which I would like having been through that before. To celebrate we took some pictures and hopefully the doctors will forgive me for standing up for them- we tried to be quick! By the way- isn't the fall foliage pretty? I just love it!


Southern Spud said...


Cute picts--and so good to see you! ;) I LOVE the second one! What a cute idea! Did you steal it from somewhere or think of it your brilliant self?

From Hannah:

Butterfly Wings said...

I did steal the idea from somewhere though I can't remember if it was a scrapbook layout or a photography blog anymore. I've taken to looking up pose ideas online before taking photos. I have more variety that way and adore good photography blogs.