Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I get it!

I now understand why it is that people choose to become physics majors! It's not because they are smart - though don't get me wrong there are a lot of brilliant minds that study physics- it's because they are big children that never grew up. This was first observed at Jon's graduation where they, meaning the professors along with the graduates, made blow darts with pages from a catalog and some tape in order to shoot balloons down from the ceiling. This was set in stone when Jon came back from his physics teaching conference with this toy. Now if Jon wants to add the physics behind it and it's name he is welcome to. For me, who got my degree in English, all I know is that he touches the silver mylar thing to the wand and it magically spreads out and starts floating in the air above the wand. Apparently he has ones that make butterfly shapes as well. All this wand is is a toy for grown ups! The kids thought the show was great though and life will never be boring. Especially when we can get a house with a big garage so he can build more toys :)

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