Monday, July 26, 2010

Pioneer Day

We decided we needed to have a small break from everything for Pioneer Day and do something fun as a family. Obviously, we are bit limited since I need to be sitting or laying down as much as possible right now but my doctor did say it was okay to sit outside on the porch. This being Utah, Pioneer Day is celebrated similar to the Fourth of July with fireworks. So we bought a small amount of fireworks and watched them together on the porch. The kids clapped in delight at the end of each one. It was nice to have something normal to do and enjoy together. I kept thinking it's too bad there are not more firework holidays coming up :( We'll have to try a game night or a movie night sometime soon to keep up morale. I've been trying to collect a special bag of things around my bed that the kids and I can do together in the afternoons. Today I'm grateful for what I can do.

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