Friday, July 23, 2010

Bed Rest

So that cervical length ultrasound I talked about in the last post didn't turn out so well, or perhaps it was very good the doctor thought to do it. Anyway, they might finally have figured out what has been causing the preterm labors. They found a weakness in the cervix that might have happened during one of the previous c-sections. The weakness is causing the cervix to fail and open too early which also opens the way for infection and labor. So I ended up in emergency surgery to put in a cerclage, which is basically stitching up the cervix. That, of course, comes with a lot of risks but it is the best they can do. Now I am on bed rest from now until delivery so that things have the best chance of holding out and working. The doctor said I would have mostly likely gone into labor within a week without this so I'm very glad they found it. If all goes well they will take the cerclage out at 36 weeks along with the baby. The doctor is preparing me that there is risk it won't last that long and the goal is to make it to at least 28 weeks when the baby will have a better chance. In any case this baby will most likely come at the latest around the end of October and hopefully not until after the first of September at the earliest. Hopefully not too long in the NICU with too many complications either way. I keep crossing my fingers that everything works. Please keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Tiscia said...

My prayers are with you and your little one! Even though it's hard, I know you are willing to do what ever you can to give your baby the most time possible in your belly. ;)