Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Truth

One simple truth of motherhood is that it is never boring. Even when they are cute and asleep in your arms. Yesterday, Katie and I made brownies together for family night while the boys were at school. It was a lot fun and she was really excited about them. I told her it would be our secret to bring out after the lesson but the first thing that popped out of her mouth as her brothers came home was "we made brownies for family night but don't tell anybody because it is a secret" (guess who is not going present shopping with mommy anymore). Anyway, I go on a tangent because it was cute. The real story happened this morning. I went upstairs and saw a chair pushed up to the counter with the brownies on them and that the brownies had the plastic wrap half off and some were poked marked and some were missing. Now it is time to figure out which child did it because it would be a shame to punish them all if not all of them were involved in the crime. Jacob did you do it, no. Samuel did you do it? no. Katie? no. Sometimes I am not sure if I wanted them to have the power of speech. So I told them that no one got brownies until I knew the truth. Jacob then decided to confess. "Mommy, I took the brownies. I am sorry." Good so far until, "Did I just eat the crumbs or did I eat the brownies?" So I counter with "if you really did got into the brownies, you should know the answer to that question". Which he replies with "but I need to know so I can tell you the real truth". These are the days where I shake my head and wonder where I went wrong. They are still grounded by the way. I have yet to get a straight story.

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