Monday, February 22, 2010


I've been reading a ton lately. I just can't get my hands on enough books. It's been a great stress reliever. Since I had to get my college degree in english literature I can't even read the stupid ones without thinking, but that's okay. I think that is what I like about reading- trying to find the meaning of it all. When I was in school I loved to read the books that were above the reading level for my age- give me Shakespeare, Dickens, Rand, Bronte, etc and I was happy. Now that I am an adult I love the novels I should have been reading then (not that I don't read a Dickens or Shakespeare novel every now and again for the fun of it). The top of the list now, which include some I got to read to my children:

Fablehaven series
Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
Twilight series
My Fair Godmother
Harry Potter series
Anne of Green Gables
Fairest and Ella Enchanted
Prince Academy by Shannon Hale
Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion by Jane Austen of coarse
King Henry the fifth and Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare
The Innocents Abroad and Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, and Oliver by Dickens

and the list goes on, but I'll stop there. I just love going on all the adventures tucked safely in my own little nook. I enjoy reading to my children as well. Jacob has reading as a part of his daily homework so I let him read a small book for practice and then I read him novels for the rest of the time. The children actually sit still and enjoy the books. I am amazed by their reading retention and love watching them play a game called Gollum that they made up from a character in the Fablehaven series named Hugo. Such fun! What would we do without books? Maybe watch tv, I don't know.

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

Have you heard of Goodreads? You should join in! :) It's how I stay connected with my MI friends. Not that I frequently actually finish reading a book on my to-read list, but, ya know. . . .

(Aren't goodies tempting? H learned the joys of a chair, freezer, ice cream, and Cool Whip--guess who didn't get ice cream for her b-day, even though we'd bought it strickly for that occasion!)