Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Spring Cleaning/ Sweet Sixteen

Right now I am in the middle of my spring cleaning run. So far I've managed to clean out the master bathroom, the laundry closet, and half the family room. I've been trying out some cleaners from Don Aslett's and I like how the clean! Go Microfiber! It's been going pretty fast, so I hope to be done by the end of the month. Today I found the insect graveyard behind the bookshelf so its a good thing to empty things out and move them once a year or so even if it is a pain.

My little sister turned sweet sixteen this last weekend and hopefully I can get some pics up of that soon. My dad had a special candle/mini firework that he brought from Ukraine and the restaurant was kind enough to let us light it at the table. It was pretty cool.


Southern Spud said...

Nice going on the cleaning!!! I

I love Don's books and wish I lived closer so that I could buy his products. (However, I found some great, inexpensive microfiber cloths hiding out in the auto section of Target! Happy Day!) I had really, really, really wanted one of his astro-truf door mats, but what's a poor girl to do? Although, I have to confess that last night at Target, again!, I found a 36"x60" mat on clearance for $25, one that would actually catch the water and mud dripping from my family's shoes, but I gave it up in place of clearance curtains and a rod for the French doors in our living room for the same price. If S hadn't been there to tactfully remind me of the non-existence of $ for such things, I would have come home with them all! It was a tough choice--one I'm hoping to still be pleased with 8 wks down the road--esp when I realized the mat was nearly a foot longer than the one I currently have, meaning it would actually cover the entire entryway. However, it'll be nice to finally have some privacy at night. We did have a doormat, even if it is wearing out. However, we didn't have a ten-foot curtain rod or curtains that would look half-decent with the room's current setup. (Look! I'm learning about priorities!)

Butterfly Wings said...

You can order his products online at They also have demo vidoes on how to clean your bathroom in 3 1/2 minutes there. Pretty cool. I do love his mats. We have one that was given us for our front door and it works like a charm. Unfortunately we don't live all that close to his store either. The closest one is in SLC. Close enough to drop by every now and again when we are going through there but not in an emergency. I don't think you'll regret your curtain rod unless your entry way carpet gets cruddy fast. You'll feel happy everytime you see your curtain which you'll pass by much more often then the front door.

Southern Spud said...

Yeah, now that the curtain's actually up, I'm much happier about my choosing it over the mat. :)

I spent some time a few months ago drooling over his website (okay, some of the products on his website; the website itself could be greatly improved upon) but couldn't get myself to swallow the shipping expenses I'd have to incur to buy anything.

Oh, wait, my mom just asked me if there was anything I wanted her to bring me when she came. Hmmm. . . ! If only we had money this month!!! LOL!!!