Monday, February 09, 2009

A "sunny" move on the horizon?

So to make a long story short, Jon will not be able to complete his PhD here at BYU. He will graduate with his Masters in Physics either at the end of this summer or in December. He still wants a PhD, but now in Materials Science which would give him a better education for a job in industry and product testing and development which he would like to pursue. So there is a good possibility that by the end of this year we will be moving to Tempe, AZ - Home of Arizona State University- which has a great materials science program. But, oh I'm scared. I hate moving and it is such a big move. Not to mention we will be moving with 4 kids this time and Jacob will be uprooted from kindergarten. On the other hand, given the cold front that moved in today after a week of temperatures around 50 degrees maybe it is not such a bad thing to try a new adventure. Now don't think I am so shallow that I would move over the weather, but it does perk me up to think I wouldn't have to drive in the snow anymore which I absolutley hate (given how some Utah drivers drive that shouldn't be surprising). Anyway, it will be interesting to see where life takes us from here.

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

I must say that it's been quite easy for warmer weather to grow on me . . . I'm surprised at how easy! (When you're ready for winter to be over, it's actually nearly over!!!)