Friday, February 20, 2009

The real world

So perhaps more college isn't the only route open to us right now (I can't tell you how much I like that idea). The company that funds Jon's research and he works for through the university is talking about hiring him on full time- like a real job. What a great opportunity in this economy. They came up to him and talked about interviewing him this week. Then we found out that they meant switching his hours at the university and hiring him right away. His professor told them that it wouldn't be a good idea until his classes are done this semester. So maybe, just maybe, cross our fingers, at the end of this semester- which is April- Jon will start working full time for this company while he works on finishing his masters by the end of the summer or December. This job is exactly what he wants to do with his degree, he loves the people who work there, and it means we get to stay in the area instead of planning a huge move soon. As Jon says- it sounds almost too good to be true. We could get off of assistance and start being grown-ups instead of college students which are like between grown ups and teenagers despite the fact we have three and a half kids. It would be wonderful! Sigh... Another thing to be found and figured out in the near future. We've prayed a lot about it and it feels good so we'll just have to see where we are lead.

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you! I sure hope it works out!!! :D