Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rexburg Temple Open House

January 14th we braved cold and snow to go see the new Rexburg temple. Because of allergies we had to spend Sunday night at the Days Inn in Rexburg, but that made it easier getting to the temple by 8:30 am. Being Rexburg it was bitter cold, it would have been that way even without the wind blowing!
The open house was very well organized. We all went into a room for a 15 minute video presentation on temples (there were a dozen or so room set aside for this) at the new stake center next door. The we walk up to the temple doors through on a covered, heated sidewalk. At the door they had volunteers slip booties over your shoes, then we went on the tour with a couple for tour guides. We never had to wait for anything, and never had to be in the cold.
The temple isn't very big, there are only 2 endowment rooms; there are 5 sealing rooms though. There are several motifs inspired by the area, wheat is seen in several paintings and in the decoration in the carpet and stair railing. The walls in the ordinance rooms are painted with outdoor scenes from the area.

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