Sunday, February 03, 2008

President Hinckley's funeral

Friday morning we went to the viewing for President Hinckley. We were debating on whether or not to drive into Salt Lake or not. It was snowing while we were driving, and by Sandy traffic was standing still on the freeway because of an accident. We quickly exited and rode Trax into town, which made the kids happy.
It was a good thing we went first thing in the morning. Rachel and the boys entered at 9:30 am without having to wait really. After I got in line 5 minutes later (I had to drop my backpack and the camera off at the baggage check desk first) Lady Bug and I waited about 10-15 minutes outside (in the express line, the purse check line was at least twice as long) and another 20 minutes inside. Just like the Rexburg temple open house, this was very well organized. No one seemed to mind the waiting, and the ushers were very kind and had us sitting when there were long waits.
We watched the funeral on TV, which was nicely done. I'm sure re-broadcasts of the funeral will be available online for those who missed it. Afterwards, it was special to see all the people lining the route to the cemetary. Many waved white handkerchiefs or canes in tribute, and many of the churches and the City-County building rang their bells for him. President Hinckley will be remembered for many things by many, many people.

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