Monday, August 27, 2012

School opening day- Children of a king adventure

After spending the week doing all the last minute shopping, putting binders together, writing, cooking, and printing we finally made it to our first day of school!

This year we are doing an EPIC adventure that I wrote over the summer using the writing course they have on their website. I'm really excited about it, and that has been getting my children excited as they've seen the preparations being made for the year. The first secret revealed was that we were not going to have school in the school room until Monday (they were very disappointed about that since they haven't seen the school room yet). Instead, our adventure started with a door.

 The children woke up to this door and had to be patient and wait until after breakfast to find out what was on the other side of it.

 When it was time to start school, they ran outside to "Narnia" and saw two tents set up. We started school in the first tent where we gave them the key information for our first topic and revealed to them that they were prince and princesses on a journey this year to become kings and queens.
 The reason Katie is not smiling is not because she is upset, but rather she fell on her bike the night before and hurt her cheek really bad (it was a long night in the ER to get steri strips and leave). Smiling would make it bleed again so she was being careful.

 The children then made treasure boxes to collect "treasure" from their teaching this year. They made crowns where they can collect "character" jewels for each topic we learn about. They could color pictures and make a clay door or star to remember today for their journals.
 We finished the day with "Horse" races. Even Lilly participated. It was silly and fun.

Now the adventure is set up for the year and today we are going to delve into our projects and subjects and other fun. The kids are psyched!

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

What fun! Great job, Butterfly Wings!!!

Aw, poor Katie. :(

Lilly is SO BIG!!!! They grow too stink'n fast.

I want to see pictures of your house! I do! I do! Email me some! It looks like it's really nice!