Friday, June 25, 2010

June in a Nutshell

I haven't written anything because it doesn't seem like there has been a lot going on even though I have been very busy. So here is a summary:

I started my weekly shots this month. They are not the most comfortable things in the world but I'll do what I got to do. The doctor also doesn't want me traveling for more then day trips while doing them. They could be doing the shots until I am 32-36 weeks along. The doctor said he might make it shorter if my ultrasounds look good. I did have an ultrasound on my cervix this month (they didn't look at the baby at all). So far it looks good so it'll be nice to go in for my next appt and see what my doctor thinks we need to do from here.

We were able to go to Jon's brother's wedding reception. Congrats James and Kathy!!!

My sister and her kids came down from Oregon to visit and spent a week with us. It was fun seeing my new little niece who is just a month old now and getting a rare chance to visit with my sister.

Summer has finally come so my kids have been living in their swimsuits playing with the neighbor kids in the sprinklers to keep cool. Well, almost all my kids. Katie has been banned from playing outside until she finishes her potty training. She is close, but not quite there and I want her well trained before this baby comes so I don't have to do it twice. Right now in fact she is doing a little twirly dance to celebrate her most recent success.

Jacob went to the dentist this last week. He has an underbite (or is it an overbite? I don't know, his top teeth sit behind his bottom teeth which isn't good) like I did when I was little. As soon as his permanent molars come in they want to do a retainer on him to fix it before the bones in the roof of his mouth fuse together. I had to wear mine for 3 months in the summer so maybe we can work out a deal like that for him. Not so bad really.

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