Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The results are in

While the country either celebrates (or not) the re election of President Obama in our house we are celebrating the election of our dinner which should be held in the next couple of weeks.

Main dish: Stromboli

Bread: Pizza Bianca

Side: Cantaloupe

Drink: Italian Sodas

Dessert: Lava cake

It was really fun and interesting to watch the kids vote. It really did help them get into the elections more. They wanted to know who we were voting for and why and watched with interest the election coverage last night. The first question out of their mouths this morning was "who won?"


Southern Spud said...

Cute! H's class did some voting on favorite foods too, although I never did find out which food won. . . .

Butterfly Wings said...

It was fun! We had the dinner the weekend before Thanksgiving and the kids were happy for the most part to be eating it (some grumbles about corn not winning). I think if we do it more it will teach even more and the campaigning will get more creative.