Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making Valentines

This year I decided to have the kids make their own valentines for school. I thought this way they would be more meaningful and they could be more involved in the process. Plus I love anything that gives us a little fun on a Saturday afternoon. First we needed to begin with a little math. We might as well learn a little while doing our project and I shouldn't have to do all the work. I had the kids figure out how many valentines each one of them would have to make, how many pieces of paper we would have to cut, and how many of each color of paper we could use. Now that is some real life math. The boys were able to do all the addition, Katie could do most of the counting, and I taught them a little about division in the process.

Next the kids got to make their valentines using my stamps. The boys had fun making pirate themed and car themed valentines and Katie had fun making princess themed valentines. They also got some penmanship practice by having to write their names on each and every valentine. Even Katie was able to do that this year. :)

It was a very successful project. It didn't take very long and they enjoyed making it personal instead of just buying them from the store, writing their name on it, and giving them away. The other bonus is that we were able to make exactly what we needed and no more so I don't have to store the extras somewhere for the next year. They've had more fun giving them away too since they put so much work into them. We'll have to do it again next year- maybe with some stickers :)

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