Thursday, March 18, 2010

just to set the record straight

The results are in from the April 2010 issue of Reader's Digest with the list of rankings for all 50 states on the deadliest and best roads. For a little background, when I lived in Idaho I heard Idahoans complain a lot about those darn Utah drivers and was surprised when I moved to Utah to find that the Utahans complain just as much about those darn Idaho drivers. Here's the rankings to show who is right along with a couple more states that might be of interest.

For Best Roads meaning the roads are safe, scenic, and sensible:
1. Kansas
5. Utah
10. Oregon
13. Georgia
14. Arizona
23. Idaho
27. Michigan
29. Texas
36. North Carolina
48. California
50. Louisiana

Deadliest Roads meaning a simple ranking of fatalities per 100 million miles driven:
1. Montana
12. Idaho
13. Arizona
16. Texas
17. North Carolina
20. Georgia
28. Oregon
36. Utah
38. California
43. Michigan
50. Massachusetts

So the Utahans win in both rankings. Utah has prettier, better built roads and less fatalities then the Idaho roads. Go figure.


Kristi said...

Yeah, but when Utah'ns come up to Idaho they cause the accidents.... right????

;) *chuckle*

Southern Spud said...

LOL! I love you happened to include MI and NC in there. Thanks! ;)