Monday, July 27, 2009

potty training the girl

I was so excited when I found I was having a girl because everyone said they were so much easier to potty train than boys. I just knew she would be done with diapers by two- this was going to be great. Now we are nearing her third birthday and she is still not totally trained. It's awful. I've tried everything- patience, chocolate, movies on the little toilet, etc. I believe I had a break through this week though so we might get this thing done yet. I stopped praying to God to help her potty train and started asking Him to help her be in the mood to potty train. The last couple of days she has stayed dry throughout most of the day and even the night. Not perfection, but a lot closer then where we were. I have this theory that it is her moodiness that stands in her way. If she is in the mood to go to the bathroom and stay dry she will, if she is not.... well... she doesn't. Boys are not like that. Both my boys were potty trained by this age. It's a good thing she's dang cute.

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