Thursday, May 28, 2009

Computer woes

I am way behind posting because I had a computer problem. I wanted to get more hard drive space on my computer and wanted to delete the iphoto trash bin since all those photos are backed up at least 2 times. Jon told me I should highlight them all and hit delete. Sounds good right? Wrong! All my photos ended up reloading into the library and all the sudden hours of work weeding through photos had gone down the drain. So I had to go through all the photos again to weed them out and google how to really get rid of them. To give an idea, I had over 10,000 photos in my library and weeded it down to 3600 over the last week and a half. I didn't want to work with new photos or old ones for that matter until the task was done. I am all good now. Whew! I never want to do that again! So I'll be posting some of the highlights of the last month or so when I have in an attempt to catch up a little.

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