Sunday, April 13, 2008

Finals Week

It's finals week next week, and, of course, I don't think I am quite
ready. Maybe if I had another week or two... Even then I wouldn't be
ready. I think I am doing better in my classes this semester than last
semester. Last semester was a big shock on the system, especially after
being out of school for 8 months. The time a grad student is expected to
dedicate, and what they are supposed to accomplish in that time is nuts
it seems. Yet we all press on, and they haven't kicked me out yet.
I have to get a committee together, approve my study list, and write
and approve my prospectus in the next 2 1/2 weeks as well. The trouble
is that my project, while a good one, isn't well defined enough for a
PhD project. PhD projects are supposed to contribute something new to
your field, but so far what we're doing is just take existing, tested
materials and put them in a different shape. Nothing new about it. If we
can find some more uses for the shape we want to create, then I might
have something for a project.

Ah, the life of a grad student...

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