Saturday, August 05, 2006

Lady Bug (update 1)

Rachel called me this morning to tell me that Lady Bug was being moved off of the high frequency oscilating ventalator to an intermediate one that will let her do more of the work of breathing. With the ventalator and antibiotics she has been slowly improving since she got there. They have been weaning her off of the oxygen all night and she has been doing fine. They are going to try tube feeding her breast milk today and see if she can tolerate it. With the move to the new ventalator, we should be able to hold Lady Bug again. That probably makes us the most happy right now.
Monday Rachel goes in to have her staples taken out. While we are making several trips back and forth anyway, I might take Lightening in to see Lady Bug. He is old enough that they will let him in for a few minutes to see her. That ought to make him happy. Spidey isn't old enough to go in, but he could look through the window. I don't know how much Spidey would appreciate it though.
We are extreamly greatful for everyone's thoughts and prayers for us and Lady Bug. It has made this much easier to deal with.

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